(Life) Reflections from this year
Published: 2023-12-27
I don’t have anything insightful at this point in time. Will just give a quick high level update.
The Highlights Reel
- New baby cuzzo. She’s pretty great.
- Sister’s and old buddies from Alexandria visited me in NYC
- Annual uni crew hangout in NYC. We ate quite a lot.
- Set foot in Europe, Copenhagen was pretty great even in that cold weather.
- Visited Seattle for the first time in summer. Wonderful trip.
- Many many amazing concerts. Highlights: Sampha, MEDUZA, and Hailu Mergia.
- Went to SF once or twice this year as well, always so fun seeing friends I met through work.
Little stuff
- Improved my engineering skills
- Cooking good stuff per usual.
- More consistentcy with fitness.
- No come back to music scene
The Road Ahead
We’ll see, I’m kind of excited since I’m switching to focus on more of a developer experience role next. Within the same company.
As this year wraps up, I’m just grateful for the amazing family and friends in my life. Each one is a paint stroke in this crazy art piece of existence, and together, they’ve painted one heck of a picture. Here’s to carrying these memories into the new year and striding forward with determination. Thanks for sticking around this far…
Waiting for other’s to post theirs …
Yonathan’s article will be dropped here once it’s in my inbox… any moment now… Still waiting… Month into 2024, still waiting… Three months into 2024, waiting… December 2024, I’ve given up…
(Don’t hold your breath, folks. Yonathan’s wisdom might arrive sometime between now and the heat death of the universe. In the meantime, feel free to admire this blank space and imagine all the profound thoughts that could potentially fill it. He’s too cool 4 school)